User data

This is an example on how to handle user data in an endpoint:

import { defineEventHandler } from 'h3'import type { CompatibilityEvent } from 'h3'import { z, parseParamsAs, parseBodyAs } from "@sidebase/nuxt-parse"// Define the schema of the parameters you expect the user to provide you withconst paramsSchema = z.object({    id: z.string().uuid(),})// Define the schema of the body you expect the user to provide you withconst bodySchema = z.object({    name: z.string(),    age: z.number()})// Get a nice type to use throughout your code and componentstype RequestBody = z.infer<typeof bodySchema>export default defineEventHandler(async (event: CompatibilityEvent) => {    // Validate and then get the parameters    // This automatically throws a nice HTTP 422 error with more information if the data is invalid    const params = parseParamsAs(event, paramsSchema)    let body: RequestBody;    try {        body = parseBodyAs(event, paramsSchema)    } catch(error) {        // Fallback, this avoids automatic raising + returning of the HTTP 422 error        body = {            name: 'Bernd',            age: 88        }    }    // Return the full entity    return {        id:,        ...body    }})